Courses & Events

We organise education and training opportunities that may not be available elsewhere. Clinical, research, management, leadership and other relevant topics are covered.

Courses & Events

We organise education and training opportunities that may not be available elsewhere. Clinical, research, management, leadership and other relevant topics are covered.

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Navigate via the calendar to pick your events or course.

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Further Course Information

YDEF Annual Day

This is our flagship event and consistently receives excellent feedback from delegates. Specialist trainees from all over the country meet the day prior to the Diabetes UK Annual Professional Conference for a series of plenary lectures and workshops given by the most eminent leaders in the field of diabetes. Apart from providing the event free-of-cost to our delegates (including an evening meal for a chance to network), we also aim to provide them bursaries towards the cost of accommodation and travel.

  • Number of Delegates: 100-150
  • Target Audience: Specialty Trainees/Young Consultants
  • Venue: TBC

ABCD-Consultant Development Programme

This was an exciting new collaboration for 2015 between ABCD and YDEF to reinvigorate the non-clinical aspects of being a consultant. This replaced the previous YDEF-led King’s Fund management course and is now run by ABCD with support from YDEF. This is the only Diabetes and Endocrinology specific leadership and management course. It was organized to support the competencies from the Medical Consultant Leadership Framework, linked to accreditation by the Institute of Learning and Management. This event prepares senior trainees to take on the many challenges they will face delivering and reshaping care provision as new NHS consultants.

  • Number of Delegates: 20-30
  • Target Audience: Final and Penultimate Year Specialist Trainees
  • Venue: TBC

YDEF-Lilly EASD Scholarships

As the largest international conference on diabetes research worldwide the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) is the perfect environment to stimulate and inspire registrars. For the first time in 2014 ten motivated diabetes trainees were competitively selected and awarded the YDEF-Lilly scholarship to attend EASD. During the conference they presented, networked and gained invaluable experience. This annual scholarship will be open to YDEF members and has been running since. This year it will be held from 2-5th October 2023 in Hamburg Germany!

Details on applications will be soon circulated via our monthly newsletter!!

  • Number of Delegates: 10
  • Target Audience: Specialist Trainees involved in Diabetes research
  • Venue: EASD

YDEF ABC of Diabetes and Endocrinology (ABCDE)

The YDEF ABC of Diabetes and Endocrinology is designed for first and second year specialist trainees to provide an expert grounding in core diabetes and endocrine topics through a series of plenaries, workshops and case-based discussions. The interactive programme will also facilitate national networking with fellow trainees early in their specialty careers and enable them to meet leading experts within a friendly environment.

  • Number of Delegates: 20-30
  • Target Audience: Newly appointed specialist trainees
  • Venue: TBC

YDEF Diabetes Technology Course

The NICE guidelines for Type 1 Diabetes show that up to 15% of patients are potentially eligible for insulin pump therapy. Current UK usage is around 2-3%, making it difficult for trainees to access appropriate training as many centers do not have access to this technology. In response to this the YDEF have established the national YDEF Diabetes Technology course, which is always in high demand and always over-subscribed!  It is delivered by leaders in the field including Professor Pratik Choudhary, Emma Wilmot, Alistair Lumb, Peter Hammond and many more renowned figures!!

  • Number of Delegates: 35- 40
  • Target Audience: Specialist Trainees ST5 and above
  • Venue: Nottingham

YDEF Wales and YDEF Northern Ireland

As healthcare issues are devolved to individual nations, policies and priorities continue to evolve in a trajectory not always identical to its counterparts in other parts of the UK. Diabetes is one such area where approaches from screening for complications to organisation of care are unique. Established in partnership with diabetes specialist training committees and clinical leads, these events provide educational and networking opportunities for trainees and young consultants in Wales and Northern Ireland.

YDEF Northern Europe Young Diabetologists (NEYD)

NEYD is a joint meeting between the trainee wings of the UK, the Netherlands and Denmark. It is a friendly and in depth meeting that allows trainees that are contemplating, or starting out in their research careers to meet their peers from Northern Europe. It provides an opportunity for young diabetes researchers to present their research (including research in progress) to peers from other North European countries.

  • Number of Delegates: 10
  • Target Audience: Specialist Trainees involved in Diabetes research
  • Venue: UK, Netherlands or Denmark (3 year cycle)

YDEF Annual Day

  • Number of Delegates: 100-150
  • Target Audience: Specialty Trainees/Young Consultants
  • Venue: Diabetes UK Annual Professional Conference
More Information

This is our flagship event and consistently receives excellent feedback from delegates. Specialist trainees from all over the country meet the day prior to the Diabetes UK Annual Professional Conference for a series of plenary lectures and workshops given by the most eminent leaders in the field of diabetes. Previous speakers include Dr Gerry Rayman, Prof Andrew Boulton and Prof Naveed Sattar. Apart from providing the event free-of-cost to our delegates (including an evening meal for a chance to network), we also aim to provide them with registration for the duration of the Diabetes UK Annual Professional Conference and on occasions bursaries towards the cost of accommodation and travel.

ABCD-Consultant Development Programme

  • Number of Delegates: 20-30
  • Target Audience: Final and Penultimate Year Specialist Trainees
  • Venue: Birmingham
More Information

This was an exciting new collaboration for 2015 between ABCD and YDEF to reinvigorate the non-clinical aspects of being a consultant. This replaced the previous YDEF-led King’s Fund management course and is now run by ABCD with support from YDEF This is the only Diabetes and Endocrinology specific leadership and management course. It was organized to support the competencies from the Medical Consultant Leadership Framework, linked to accreditation by the Institute of Learning and Management. This event prepares senior trainees to take on the many challenges they will face delivering and reshaping care provision as new NHS consultants.

YDEF Retinopathy Course

  • Number of Delegates: 20
  • Target Audience: Specialist Trainees
  • Venue: Birmingham
More Information

Diabetic retinopathy is now screened with digital retinal photography, and referred directly to ophthalmologists with little involvement of the diabetologists in most regions. There is little opportunity to learn about retinal screening and grading during our training in diabetes, or learn about various treatments for diabetic eye disease. We organise the UK’s first and only course on diabetic retinopathy and retinal screening aimed at diabetes trainees.

YDEF-Lilly EASD Scholarships

  • Number of Delegates: 10
  • Target Audience: Specialist Trainees involved in Diabetes research
  • Venue: EASD
More Information

As the largest international conference on diabetes research worldwide the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) is the perfect environment to stimulate and inspire registrars. For the first time in 2014 ten motivated diabetes trainees were competitively selected and awarded the YDEF-Lilly scholarship to attend EASD. During the conference they presented, networked and gained invaluable experience. This annual scholarship will be open to YDEF members and has been running since.nt.

YDEF ABC of Diabetes and Endocrinology (ABCDE)

  • Number of Delegates: 20-30
  • Target Audience: Newly appointed specialist trainees
  • Venue: Manchester
More Information

The YDEF ABC of Diabetes and Endocrinology is designed for first and second year specialist trainees to provide an expert grounding in core diabetes and endocrine topics through a series of plenaries, workshops and case-based discussions. The interactive programme will also facilitate national networking with fellow trainees early in their specialty careers and enable them to meet leading experts within a friendly environment.

YDEF Insulin Pump Course

  • Number of Delegates: 30
  • Target Audience: Specialist Trainees/Young Consultants
  • Venue: Ascot, Berkshire
More Information

The NICE guidelines for Type 1 Diabetes show that up to 15% of patients are potentially eligible for insulin pump therapy. Current UK usage is around 2-3%, making it difficult for trainees to access appropriate training as many centers do not have access to this technology. In response to this the YDEF have established the national YDEF insulin pump course, now in its fourth year. It is delivered by leaders in the field including Professor Stephanie Amiel and Dr Pratik Choudhary of King’s College London.

YDEF Wales and YDEF Northern Ireland

More Information

As healthcare issues are devolved to individual nations, policies and priorities continue to evolve in a trajectory not always identical to its counterparts in other parts of the UK. Diabetes is one such area where approaches from screening for complications to organisation of care are unique. Established in partnership with diabetes specialist training committees and clinical leads, these events provide educational and networking opportunities for trainees and young consultants in Wales and Northern Ireland.

YDEF Northern Europe Young Diabetologists (NEYD)

  • Number of Delegates: 10
  • Target Audience: Specialist Trainees involved in Diabetes research
  • Venue: UK, Netherlands or Denmark (3 year cycle)
More Information

NEYD is a joint meeting between the trainee wings of the UK, the Netherlands and Denmark. It is a friendly and in depth meeting that allows trainees that are contemplating, or starting out in their research careers to meet their peers from Northern Europe. It provides an opportunity for young diabetes researchers to present their research (including research in progress) to peers from other North European countries.

Interesting Point Here

Etiam dapibus ipsum at tellus molestie, at blandit metus blandit. Proin dolor neque, luctus quis quam nec, feugiat placerat ante. Sed aliquet iaculis justo in vestibulum. Vestibulum ullamcorper posuere fringilla. Donec ipsum pellentesque convallis tristique quis.

  • London Courses
  • South East Courses
  • Northern Courses
  • Midland Courses

Interesting Point Here

Etiam dapibus ipsum at tellus molestie, at blandit metus blandit. Proin dolor neque, luctus quis quam nec, feugiat placerat ante. Sed aliquet iaculis justo in vestibulum. Vestibulum ullamcorper posuere fringilla. Donec ipsum pellentesque convallis tristique quis.

  • London Courses
  • South East Courses
  • Northern Courses
  • Midland Courses


Address: Wells Lawrence House, 26 Back Church Lane, London, UK, E1 1FH

Charity Details:

Young Diabetologists & Endocrinologists’ Forum.

England (no. 215199)

Scotland (no. SC039136)

Copyright © Young Diabetologists’ Forum

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