Library Resources Section
There are a number of available resources and websites that can support you in your training (and beyond). Below are a selection of the more useful ones.

Library Resources Section

YDEF Endocrinology and Diabetes Registrar Starter Pack
Starting ST4 can seem daunting – working at a new level, with a new curriculum, in a new place, and perhaps having moved across the country or from another country. We know that it can be a very stressful time so we have created this guide to bring together a
number of resources to help you settle in as quickly as possible.
Click here to access the document: YDEF Starter Pack V1.0 December 2024
Last Updated: December 2024
YDEF International Medical Graduate (IMG) Starter Pack
We have created a focused guide to offer guidance for trainees who are new to the UK or the NHS. This includes useful information on visa applications, how to register with a GP and tips on arranging accommodation.
Click here to access the document: YDEF IMG Guide V1.0 December 2024
Last Updated: December 2024

Visit ABCD Care
The Association of British Clinical Diabetologists is the national organisation of Consultant Physicians in Britain who specialise in Diabetes Mellitus but is also open for registrars and have opportunities for research, audit and clinical guidance as well as important news updates.
Visit EASD Learning
EASD is a non-profit making, medical scientific association founded in 1965, which aims to educate, inform and engage healthcare professionals around the world. Their e-Learning platform was launched in 2018 to expand the reach of EASD’s educational goal to disseminate knowledge and proficiency in diabetes research and care worldwide. Registration is free of charge.

Visit Endotext
Endotext.org is a Non-Profit web-based source of trustworthy information on endocrine disease written by physicians for physicians around the world.
Visit Diapedia
Diapedia is an open-access, peer-reviewed, unbiased and up-to-date knowledge base about all aspects of Diabetes Mellitus.
Get started by searching Diapedia, browsing the sections or signing up for access to all articles or contributing.

Visit Endobible
Endobible is a free diagnostic and management tool for health professionals. This website was developed to bring together the key features of endocrine history taking, examination and diagnosis. It grew out of a desire to ensure that patients referred to endocrinology departments are assessed thoroughly, and managed in the same way, whichever team member first assesses them.
Visit Practical Diabetes
Practical Diabetes is a journal for healthcare professionals covering all aspects of diabetes care including type 1 and type 2 diabetes, obesity, new insulins and type 2 drugs, guidelines and policy issues and diabetes complications. Practical Diabetes was the most highly read diabetes journal with 86% of Consultants reading the journal in the last 12 months.

Visit Diabetes UK
The leading UK charity for diabetes with valuable patient and phycisian resources including sharing best practice and opportunities to get involved.
Visit Imperialendo
An excellent resource by the team from Imperial. Links to very useful resources on various disorders and endocrine testing protocols.

Visit T 1 Resources
A peer reviewed website of resources available to people with diabetes (and doctors) for support and advice on managing diabetes. Previous YDEF members were involved in creating this invaluable resource.
Revising & Extra Guidelines
Here are some excellent third-party resources found on the web revising or for a quick update between clinic patients too. This is by no means complete and links may become broken from time to time.

Online Leadership
This directory of leadership and management development e-learning and online resources will be of interest and value to leaders and managers everywhere, especially in the NHS and the public sector in the UK. It is an educational resource and started life as a resource for leaders and managers within the NHS in the south of England, and has been developed extensively since. This is the eighth edition and it now gives details of about 1,000 weblinks
Coaching support by Vivid Communication
Whether you are a trainee or a new consultant, coaching can help you maximize your potential. Need help in making career decisions? Or juggling the ever-demanding work-life balance? Click on the link to download a brochure.

YDEF Endocrinology and Diabetes Registrar Starter Pack
Starting ST4 can seem daunting – working at a new level, with a new curriculum, in a new place, and perhaps having moved across the country or from another country. We know that it can be a very stressful time so we have created this guide to bring together a
number of resources to help you settle in as quickly as possible.
Click here to access the document: YDEF Starter Pack V1.0 December 2024
Last Updated: December 2024

YDEF International Medical Graduate (IMG) Starter Pack
We have created a focused guide to offer guidance for trainees who are new to the UK or the NHS. This includes useful information on visa applications, how to register with a GP and tips on arranging accommodation.
Click here to access the document: YDEF IMG Guide V1.0 December 2024
Last Updated: December 2024

Visit ABCD Care
The Association of British Clinical Diabetologists is the national organisation of Consultant Physicians in Britain who specialise in Diabetes Mellitus but is also open for registrars and have opportunities for research, audit and clinical guidance as well as important news updates.

Visit EASD Learing
The Association of British Clinical Diabetologists is the national organisation of Consultant Physicians in Britain who specialise in Diabetes Mellitus but is also open for registrars and have opportunities for research, audit and clinical guidance as well as important news updates.

Visit Diapedia
Diapedia is an open-access, peer-reviewed, unbiased and up-to-date knowledge base about all aspects of Diabetes Mellitus.
Get started by searching Diapedia, browsing the sections or signing up for access to all articles or contributing.

Visit Endobible
Endobible is a free diagnostic and management tool for health professionals. This website was developed to bring together the key features of endocrine history taking, examination and diagnosis. It grew out of a desire to ensure that patients referred to endocrinology departments are assessed thoroughly, and managed in the same way, whichever team member first assesses them.

Visit Endotext
Endotext.org is a Non-Profit web-based source of trustworthy information on endocrine disease written by physicians for physicians around the world.

Visit Practical Diabetes
Practical Diabetes is a journal for healthcare professionals covering all aspects of diabetes care including type 1 and type 2 diabetes, obesity, new insulins and type 2 drugs, guidelines and policy issues and diabetes complications. Practical Diabetes was the most highly read diabetes journal with 86% of Consultants reading the journal in the last 12 months.

Visit Diabetes UK
The leading UK charity for diabetes with valuable patient and phycisian resources including sharing best practice and opportunities to get involved.

Visit Imperialendo
An excellent resource by the team from Imperial. Links to very useful resources on various disorders and endocrine testing protocols.

Visit T 1 Resources
A peer reviewed website of resources available to people with diabetes (and doctors) for support and advice on managing diabetes. Previous YDEF members were involved in creating this invaluable resource.

Revising & Extra Guidelines
Here are some excellent third-party resources found on the web revising or for a quick update between clinic patients too. This is by no means complete and links may become broken from time to time.

Online Leadership
This directory of leadership and management development e-learning and online resources will be of interest and value to leaders and managers everywhere, especially in the NHS and the public sector in the UK. It is an educational resource and started life as a resource for leaders and managers within the NHS in the south of England, and has been developed extensively since. This is the eighth edition and it now gives details of about 1,000 weblinks

Coaching support by Vivid Communication
Whether you are a trainee or a new consultant, coaching can help you maximize your potential. Need help in making career decisions? Or juggling the ever-demanding work-life balance? Click on the link to download a brochure.
In recent years, there has been increasing awareness of the risk of physical and psychological burnout amongst doctors…
Trainee burnout – How to get help
There are also dedicated professional resources available for doctors in distress or difficulty:
BMA Wellbeing Support Service
Confidential 24/7 telephone support line staffed by trained counsellors. Option of speaking to another doctor who is trained in supporting colleagues. Free of charge to all doctors and medical students.
T: 0330 123 1245
Practitioner Health Programme (PHP)
An award-winning, free and confidential NHS service, for doctors with issues relating to a mental health concern or addiction problems. Accepts self-referrals from any NHS doctor living in England.
T: 0300 030 3300 E: Prac.Health@nhs.net
If you would like to speak in confidence to a member of YDEF about any of these issues, contact angelica.sharma@nhs.net
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Address: Wells Lawrence House, 26 Back Church Lane, London, UK, E1 1FH
Charity Details:
Young Diabetologists & Endocrinologists’ Forum.
England (no. 215199)
Scotland (no. SC039136)
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